2020. 2. 29. 07:02ㆍ카테고리 없음
Why so much work for an official translation request?For one thing, establishing a proper format to ensure uniformity in all the requests will add a touch of professionalism to this topic, which may increase the chance that your request will be taken seriously. Think about how. This is the standard to which we should aspire.If you can follow directions and make requests according to the specified format, it shows that you're not just an idiot who makes frivolous requests, but a mature, intelligent person who sincerely believes the game should be enjoyed throughout the entire world.
Think about it: would a project team want to work for some punk who believes he/she is entitled to everything, or someone who will really appreciate the hard work they put into the translation for free?Why should a whole team of ROM hackers and translators put in months (maybe years) of work for you if you won't put in 10-15 minutes of your time to make a nice, convenient post for them? Once again, the point of this topic:Hackers/translators usually have better things to do than translating random requests.
People don't want to involve themselves with games they don't even like. And why would they listen to some random dude asking 'Hey, could you translate game x?' Then why this thread? Firstly to get rid of all the random request topics of course. Secondly, a small increase of chance to get the game translated. Let me explain why that is: A translator or hacker want to see games translated too, but first they need to know these games. At some point, he comes across a game (reads a review, reads a website or downloads the game by accident etc.), and thinks: 'wow, this game is pretty cool'.
From that point, the translator builds interest to translate the game.And the only chance you (as the useless and lazy bum that you are ) have to get a game translated is to try to get the game known to trigger that impulse. That's why requests DON'T work, but what you need to do is present the game and hope a translator reads it! And that's pretty much also the whole point of the 'request form'. Sure, the chance of a capable someone reading it and starting a project may be small, but at least it's not 0% (more like 1% now).Also, I see some request forms written with only a few lines for a description and with very few and/or unrepresentative screenshots, like a boxshot. Those requests are shit and you might as well do the ol' 'can some plz translate this for me, kthnxbai' The screenshots are really important to catch one's eyes, so take good ones! Game Name:. Mizuiro Blood (????????).Release Date:.Game Info:.
Genre: Mini-Games, Semi/Quasi-Educational. What it's about: A small summary I found which seems quite fitting:'What's this?Oh, it's just a robot-ball with wheels getting its head sliced off and spilling out baby blue blood.
That screenshot was part of a flash loading page off the game site, Mizuiro Blood, and is proof that Bandai has let their developers eat too many sugary snacks in between meals.Even though it's a Japanese import game, as we all know one of the benefits of owning a Nintendo DS is that (come on, say it with me) it's region free, which means anyone who wants to pick it up from outside sources can in fact play it. After doing a little research, it seems that even though Muzuiro is categorized as 'action' game, it mainly involves mini-games that you can play up to four players with.Come this June, all you have to do is seek out something adorable and attack it.
That's not too hard to understand.' . Popularity in Japan: Haven't seen much hype, it doesn't cater to a wide audience, so a RRP of 5,040 yen didn't help sales. I like to think it was more of a game made to release the tensions of the development companies XD. Why I want this translation so badly: I love the art style, by Yukiko Yokou who also did character design for Taiko no Tatsujin.
The mini-games are quite fun, and the excitable, hiimoncracksoletsgocrazywoo style made me fall in love almost straight away. Why I don't think this will come out in the West: Published by Bandai Namco, so already reduced chances of localisation; add to that a quite unusual concept and execution and you have a game not really marketable to the Western world.Screenshots:Box Art:In-game screenshot:Videos:My Offering:. I can assist translation and editing, as well as image editing if necessary. I have also completed the entire game back when it first came out, so I guess I have that for what it's worth. Aside from that, much love for working on such a niche game?;DGood to see a new thread finally, the old one was foul so I gave up on it. I'm guessing you'll be getting this cleaned on a regular basis to keep the clutter out? Game Name:.
Dragon Quest Monster Joker: Professional.Release Date:.Game Info:. Genre: RPG.
What it's about: DQMJ2 is an updated version of the second iteration. DQM is a long running series that is obscured by Pokemon. Having a collect them all kind of feel, but not the same gameplay. The most recent iterations have a 3D over world, and 3D sprites and models. IMO, the series should be as popular as Pokemon even if it's only a spin-off. Is it popular in Japan? It is EXTREMELY popular in Japan.
C'mon, it's Dragon Quest!. Why I want this translation so badly: It's a well-loved series, and I'm sure many would appreciate the hard work going into the project. What makes me so sure this won't be released outside of Japan?
DQMJ2 came out in 2010. Why it hasn't been brought over to the west yet, I don't know. The DQ games have a history of being localized, but this one hasn't even been slated.
It's weird.Screenshots:Videos:My Offering:. I don't have any skills with rom hacking, translating, or beta testing.
I do have enough knowledge of English to check for spelling errors and such things. Please use the 'Quote' button at the bottom of this post or, then modify the template below for your Official Translation Request. Please make sure to check the List of Requested Translations (click this arrow: snapback3589981/snapback ) to make sure you're not repeating a request. If you're not going to this post, then your post does not belong in this thread. If you need to ask a question about this topic or any of the requests in it, and don't post in here. Remember kids, it isn't an 'official' request unless it follows this format.
Delete Everything Above This Line (Including This Line) When Posting a RequestGame Name:. Insert Game Title Here. The scene release topic is for potential ROM hackers to easily find info about the ROM itself so they can examine it (type of compression used, etc.) and decide if they want to tackle the project. You can easily find the topic if you search by title.Release Date:. MM/DD/YYYY. Link to the source of the release date (GameSpot, Wikipedia, IGN, etc.) goes here, or you can make the date itself into a hyperlink to the source. If it's not released yet, stop now!Game Info:This can be in paragraph form or bulleted list, as long as it contains the following information:.
Genre: Insert the genre here. What it's about: No need to write a novel, just 1-3 sentences. Popularity in Japan: How popular is this game?
Is there any hype for it?. Why I want this translation so badly: State your reason(s) for wanting to see this translation. 'Just because' is not an acceptable reason. Why I don't think this will come out in the West: Your reason goes here. If you can link to a source, even better.Screenshots:. Include a few nice screenshots here.
Try to find something that will catch the eye and make it look interesting. Do NOT post images that the URLs of illegal ROM sites in the image. Do NOT link to images that are hosted on illegal ROM sites.Videos:.
A video or two, perhaps a trailer and/or a gameplay video.My Offering:. Do you have something to offer?. Knowledge of the game (perhaps you play a lot of Square-Enix RPGs and are familiar with certain terminology, e.g., Phoenix Downs, etc.).
Do you know Japanese? What is your level of proficiency?. Perhaps you even want to commission this project (pay someone to translate it)?
If you consider a commission, you need to think about how many people may be working on the project and how long it will take. Your offer of $100 USD would be very small if a translation project team of 5 members work on a game for 4 months. It's like paying each person $5 a month, when they'll probably be working on it for several hours a week. If you do not have anything to offer, just leave this section blank. Please use the 'Quote' button at the bottom of this post or, then modify the template below for your Official Translation Request. Please make sure to check the List of Requested Translations to make sure you're not repeating a request.
If you're not going to this post, then your post does not belong in this thread. If you need to ask a question about this topic or any of the requests in it, and don't post in here. Remember kids, it isn't an 'official' request unless it follows this format /pGame Name:. Otometeki Koi Kakumei Love Revo!! DS.Release Date:.!!.
Feb 14, 2008Game Info:. Genre: Otome/Adventure/Comedy Game. What it's about: This is a game about a girl, who in her young days, was very pretty, and won beauty contests. Eventually, she slowly started gaining weight, and now she finds out she has to live with some gorgeous men who moved in! But they want nothing to do with her the way she is now. Popularity in Japan: Not very known. Not very popular.
Why I want this translation so badly: I think there's many people out there who would want this game translated. This game is kind of the same to the TMGS series, and there's isn't many games out there for the people who love this type of game, but can't speak english. It's entertaining, I tried to play it in japanese, but i just want to know what they say so badly. Why I don't think this will come out in the West: The same reason other games like this don't come out, it's not going to be licensed, and the people who want this game, probably haven't had their voices heard.Screenshots:My Offering:. I honestly don't have anything to offer, except my gratitude.and im also fluent is englsih and spanish, learning japanesePs this is my first time posting in a thread, so plase excuse me if i did anything wrong. Please use the 'Quote' button at the bottom of this post or, then modify the template below for your Official Translation Request.
Please make sure to check the List of Requested Translations to make sure you're not repeating a request. If you're not going to this post, then your post does not belong in this thread. If you need to ask a question about this topic or any of the requests in it, and don't post in here. Remember kids, it isn't an 'official' request unless it follows this format /pGame Name:. Hiiro no Kakera.Release Date:. Info:This can be in paragraph form or bulleted list, as long as it contains the following information:.
Genre: Adventure game, Visual novel, Otome game. What it's about: The game is about a teenage girl who revisits a small village, she remembers from her childhood and gets caught up in her family's history and supernatural dangers surrounding it. Soon after arriving at the village she gets attacked and is saved by a mysterious youth. Popularity in Japan: Well, I'm not so sure but it must be quite popular because they have made many sequels for it. Why I want this translation so badly: The story sound very interesting and I'm sure many girls would like to play this.
I would too but I'm don't understand English so I want this translation Very pretty pictures too!. Why I don't think this will come out in the West: I don't think this will come out in the West because other games like this haven't also come out in the West. It has also been quite long since this game was released in Japan.Screenshots:.
I didn't know how to put the pictures so they would be shown here. So I put the linksVideos:. youtubeyoutubehttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qPPstI7J14U/youtube. Game Name:.
Kotoba no Puzzle - Mojipittan DS.Release Date:.Game Info:. Genre: Puzzle. What it's about: Japanese Scrabble-clone. Popularity in Japan: I don't know if there is any hype for it, since it's quite obscure from what I can tell.
Why I want this translation so badly: I really want to play this game, but do not understand Japanese. Why I don't think this will come out in the West: No Mojipittan game has ever come to the West.Screenshots:.Videos:. youtube7WdxbttBjSc/youtubeyoutubeH5CilHWAHKM/youtubeMy Offering:. I can edit grammar and spelling. Game Name:.
Bleach DS 4th: Flame Bringer. The scene release topic is for potential ROM hackers to easily find info about the ROM itself so they can examine it (type of compression used, etc.) and decide if they want to tackle the project. You can easily find the topic if you search by title.Release Date:.Game Info:This can be in paragraph form or bulleted list, as long as it contains the following information:. Genre: Platformer/Action. What it's about: It's Bleach.
The action takes place in both screens. A nice break from the same old fighter games. There are no signs that say it will be released soon like people keep saying.
Seriously, go find anywhere reputable with an English speaking release date. Popularity in Japan: It's not unheard of. Really, a translation has been requested a thousand times for years now. Why I want this translation so badly: To give some semblance of more than just hack and slash with moonspeak.
Hiiro No Kakera Kiss
Why I don't think this will come out in the West: It's been two years since it's release in JP. There are no legit sites with an English release date.Screenshots:.Videos:. youtubefor what I can offer.
Nothing really. I took 3 college courses of Japanese and still know just about nothing. Ever so slowly working on that. Kabu Trader Shun (??????? Shun?, literally 'Stock Trader Shun') is an adventure game for the Nintendo DS from Capcom. It was released in Japan on June 7th, 2007. The game is about a young stock trader named Shun Aiba.
Shun's father was a trader who went bankrupt and disappeared when he was 13. Five years later, you are summoned by your father's former trading partner, Toru Narasaki, who wishes to teach you the tricks of the trade. Shun is joined by Hanako Kirikagura, the daughter of a family of entrepreneurs and Toru's pupil.The gameplay is split into two parts: adventure and trading. Adventure mode is apparently much like Capcom's Ace Attorney series, where Shun travels around town furthering the story.
Trading mode consists of Shun battling against rival traders, earning a set amount of money, or trading with an AI partner. Shun can purchase or gain Trading Arts to increase his skills in this mode.Kabu Trader Shun was produced by Tatsuya Kitabayashi (Mega Man: Maverick Hunter X, Mega Man Powered Up) and directed by Ikuo Ando (planning for Haunting Ground, scenario head for Breath of Fire: Dragon Quarter). Game Name:.
ASH: Archaic Sealed Heat.Release Date:. Info:.
Genre: Tactical Role-Playing Game. What it's about: It's a hybrid between Fire Emblem an Final Fantasy with pretty good graphics for DS. Many people know of it, and were impressed a few years back. Psychoblaster tried translating it, then someone 'leaked it', and no one ever got to play it.
So everyone just gave up asking. Popularity in Japan: Huge hype among websites. Famitsu gave it a good score, but it sells pretty mediocre in Japan. Why I want this translation so badly: The gameplay looked awesome, so did the voice acting. I've wanted to play it for years and followed Psychoblaster patiently.
I'm a huge fan of Fire Emblem and to play a clone with good graphics would be great. When the whole thing went to poop I was so upset. Why I don't think this will come out in the West: It's been 4 years. It's not happening. Which is a shame because Mistwalker is a good company.
I think it's all because of the VA, but other than that I don't know.Screenshots:.Video:. youtubeknow there are still people here that want to see this game translated and were very disappointed that nothing came of the first attempt. Game Name:Hakuouki: Yuugi RokuRelease Date:April 28, 2011Game Info:Genre: Otome GameWhat it's about: Yuugi Roku is the second Hakuouki title that Idea Factory put out for the PSP, the first being Hakuouki Portable, which was a remake of an earlier PS2 game from 2008. In the original, you play as a girl named Chizuru who travels to Kyoto in search of her father, a physician who had disappeared while on assignment months earlier.
One night she witnesses a fight between the Shinsengumi and demons, and consequently gets taken into custody because of what she had witnessed. Thankfully, they allow Chizuru to stay until she can determine his whereabouts. While under their care, she gets to know her new-found friends and eventually falls for one of them.Popularity in Japan: Popular. The 'Hakuouki' series has been made into a lot of games including PSP versions with 2 seasons of anime.Why I want this translation so badly: I believe that this is a game that most otome fans would want to play. It is one of the games that seriously need translation if it is to be played. It would make many Hakuouki fans faint for a translationWhy I don't think this will come out in the West: It has already been quite a while and they have released that they would introduce another english version of the game in PSP. So I believe if they are releasing a english one, they would make a new game on hakuouki.
Not this specific game.Screenshots:Videos:youtubehttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jAchmrBRAO4/youtube. Game Name:Battle Spirits DS Digital StarterRelease Date:2010/08/05Game Info:. Genre: card simulator RPG. What it's about: In story mode, you can choose the first deck.
Decks to choose the 'red-green', 'White Purple,' 'yellow-blue' Select one of the three. Decks to choose the 'red-green', 'White Purple,' 'yellow-blue' Select one of the three.
The deck because of the different characteristics of each, there would be good to choose your style deck. Each deck has different characteristics, so it's probably the deck and had to choose their own style.
The aim of the strongest butler, 'Shop Battle' shortcut to use the number 1. Shop Battle If you are holding a battle change the rules every day, that. If shops battle battle held each day rule changes, sometimes getting in a rare card will win the battle. To participate in good time rules, can be advantageously deployed in battle. Good time to participate in the rule, can be advantageously deployed in battle.
First, the card shop to pick battles, so start making your own deck. First, the card shop to pick battles, so start making your own deck. Popularity in Japan: it quickly became one of the top selling of the year. Why I want this translation so badly: because i love the anime and it is very popular in japan and other lands everyone will like it in english.
Why I don't think this will come out in the West: it was released 1 year ago i don t think it will come in usa all games for now of battle spirits for ds and psp are jpBox Art:videosfor offer i don t know XD. Game Name:. Tennis no Oji-sama: Motto Gakuensai no Ouji-Sama - More Sweet Edition DSRelease Date:.Game Info:This can be in paragraph form or bulleted list, as long as it contains the following information:. Genre: Otome game.
What it's about: In order to increase appeal in the region and communication between schools, the Atobe group had decided to sponsor a school event which is interrelated with the princes of tennis. This is because every teenager is required to take part, which also includes the tennis players in the region. You get to play a 14 year old heroine who is in charge of it. Your duties include arranging activities, and organizing people. Get in contact with the princes so they can lend a hand. Get to know one another, chat with them, and develop an intimate relationship with one of them. As your relationship with them increases, it will reach to a certain point where they will do something special for you in the end.
Popularity in Japan: I'm pretty sure that this game is pretty popular in Japan, the Prince of Tennis anime and manga are famous even in the west, I even see some female Japanese celebrities write about playing this game in their blog s. Why I want this translation so badly: Prince of Tennis has the perfect storyline for an otome game or shoujo manga, the guys are really hot, but the manga and anime barely have any romantic scenes. It would be amazing to be able to see some in a ds game as a dating sim. Why I don't think this will come out in the West: I don't think it will g et publish ed here in the west because of the same reason for all otome games, they don't think it will do well here.Screenshots:Ryoma.squeals. Game Name:Meitantei Conan - Aoki Houseki no Rinbukyoku (JP)Released Dates:Apr 21, 2011Links:Links2:Game Info:This can be in paragraph form or bulleted list,as long as it contains the following information:Genre etective/MysteryWhat it's about: Its mainly about solving crimes,detective works solved by a high school student name Shinichi Kudo.But During an investigation, he is attacked by two criminals, codenamed Gin and Vodka, from the syndicate called the Black Organization. They force him to ingest an experimental poison, APTX 4869, which is supposed to kill him, and leave him to die.
Game Name:DS Dengeki Bunkou ADV: Baccano!Release Date:Game Info:. Genre: Adventure/Visual Novel.
What it's about:In prohibition-era America, a cacophony of stories stirs. Thieves, terrorists, mafia gangsters, and other elements of pulp fiction collide in a chaos of intrigue and violence. When a hapless alchemist creates an elixir of life that can confer immortality, a series of incredible events follow that spiral out of control, touching upon the lives of an enormous cast of characters. This game deals with the storyline of 1931, when disaster befalls the famed Flying Pussyfoot transcontinental train as it makes its journey from San Francisco to New York. A terrorist/cult group known as the Lemures seek to use the train's passengers, including a US Senator's wife and daughter, as leverage to demand the release of their leader, Huey Laforet. Meanwhile, a gang of killers lead by the Russo family assassin Ladd Russo are trying to hold the train hostage to demand ransom from the train company. Caught in the middle is a group of delinquents originally attempting a train heist, who take it upon themselves to save the passengers.
And amidst all this, a terrifying blood-red 'monster' called the Rail Tracer has begun to murder people all over the train. Popularity in Japan: Not very. While the light novels are popular in Japan (popular enough to warrant an anime, manga, and video game), all of the media based on them seem to fly under the radar. The anime in the US, however, has received universal critical acclaim, and I'm certain any fan of it would love a translation of this game.
Why I want this translation so badly: I (and many other fans) would love to see this story translated. Some of the alternate endings have been translated online, and has really piqued an interest in the games. Why I don't think this will come out in the West: Despite the fan base this series has in the US and the number of fantastic reviews it gets, the series is kind of over looked. It's been almost 4 years since the game was released.Screenshots:Videos:The opening to the gameMy Offering:I'm familiar with both the light novels and the anime, so I can help with names, terminology, plot details.
Hiiro No Kakera Characters
I'm also willing to help with spelling and grammar, proofreading and what not. Finally, I know it's not a lot, especially if you aren't already a fan of the series (which highly recommend you watch if you haven't already. One of the best English dubs, too) but I'm willing to compensate you $50 to $75 dollars. Game Name:. Nanashi no Game me (The Nameless Game: The Eye).Release Date:.
Release date info (look at the 'sequels' section.)Game Info:. Genre: First person survival horror.
What it's about: The story follows a college anthropology student as he discovers the cursed RPG, as well as a cursed The game's title refers to the protagonist's left eye, represented by the left screen of the DS when held sideways, which can see supernatural events. Popularity in Japan: As of September 30, 2008, Nanashi no Game has sold 60,000 copies in Japan. It was scored 30 out of 40 by magazine.
Why I want this translation so badly: After you try the first game, you then want to play the next one, which surprises me, seeing as there is no translation for the sequel. Why I don't think this will come out in the West: Neither this game nor its prequel has been released outside of Japan.
With the game already being two years old, I doubt it will see release here.Screenshots:Box Art:Videos:youtubeofferings: None. Game Name:. Chocobo to Mahou no Ehon Majo to Shoujo to 5nin no Yuusha (Chocobo and the Magic Book: The Witch, The Girl and the Five Heroes).Release Date:. (odd that I'm requesting this nearly 3 years to the day after its release)Game Info:. Genre: Adventure.
What it's about: Play as Chocobo as you travel through the worlds of picture books to prevent the world from being turned completely white at the hands of the Unnamed Witch! Meet old friends and hear songs from multiple entries of the long-running franchise!. Popularity in Japan: Not sure about this myself, but it's got Chocobos and Moogles so that may help. Why I want this translation so badly: It's the third game in the Chocobo's Magical Picture Book series (or Final Fantasy Fables). As such, it's got a lot of nifty little references in it to a bunch of Final Fantasy games, even with the music. That, and I love the series, so I feel getting this translated would be rather awesome. Why I don't think this will come out in the West: It's been out for a couple of years now, and with the DS remake of Chocobo's Dungeon not being brought over, I don't see this one coming our way either.Screenshots:Videos:youtubeOffering:.
I'm rather familiar with the series, so I could help with various terminology.I think I did this right.